Even after recent record-breaking low temperatures, snow is still proving elusive in my Florida town. But never fear! Even without any snowmen and snow angels outside, we're still having fun with a few snow-based activities inside.

Marshmallows are very exciting things at my house, even if the Ant Bug sometimes gets confused and calls them mushrooms. I knew this activity was going to be a hit. I drew three circles of a snowman body for the Sweet Bee, and the Ant Bug drew her own. We outlined the circles in glue, then started counting marshmallows and sticking them in place (and eating some along the way). The girls continued filling in their snowman after the outline was done

Cotton-ball Snowman
Here is our take on the ever-popular classic cotton-ball snowman. We cut out circles of three different sizes, glued the circles to a sheet of paper, and then filled in the bodies with the fuzzy balls. We used scraps of felt for the charcoal eyes, carrot nose and stick arms.
Snowy Activities on Paper
Confessions of a Homeschooler has a wonderful page with a number of preschool worksheets and activities. We tried out the snowman pre-writing skills worksheet and played the snowflake matching game.
Snowy Books to Read
The Snowy Day by Ezra Jack Keats
Snowmen at Night by Caralyn Buehner
2 comments on "Snowy Fun"
Great Fun! Thanks.
What a fun day you must have had!! Great ideas, thanks for sharing.
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