"For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life."
John 3:16
Lesson Plan
Complete the January and February pages of the Primary Scripture Journal. Use the suggestions from the January and February Friend magazine.
"The scriptures are a record of God’s teachings and dealings with His children. A scripture journal is your own book where you can write how you are learning to understand and live the teachings of the gospel. Every month this year you can learn a scripture and practice doing what it teaches. Heavenly Father will help you as you choose to learn and live by the scriptures. You will feel the power of the scriptures, and your testimony will grow.Isn't this a fabulous plan?
Make or buy a notebook that has at least 12 pages in it. This year each issue of the Friend will contain a scripture and an activity for you to do in your scripture journal. If you need help reading, writing, or understanding the scripture or activity, you can ask parents, older brothers or sisters, friends, or Primary teachers for help."
For a recent Primary Quarterly Activity in our ward we wanted to put together a scripture journal for our children. I saw a really great journal posted here on Sugardoodle, but the 56 pages of that document was a little too large for our needs.
So I made a simpler version that focuses on the monthly themes only. Each page has a small coloring picture, with blank space for each child to write or share their thoughts. It is 15 pages, and each sheet should be cut in half to make two books. I just punched a hole in the top corner and tied it together with string.
I am excited to have this journal for my children to do this year. This will give us one Family Home Evening lesson each month, all ready to go. If you would like a copy of the journal, contact me and I would be happy to email you the pdf.
3 comments on "FHE: Jesus Christ is my Savior and Redeemer"
Hey- I would love a copy of the file! Great idea!
Do you still have the pdf of the journal? I would love a copy
I would love a copy of this!
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