I'm taking a partial maternity leave from this blog as we recently welcomed a sweet baby boy into our home. So today I am happy to be sharing a guest post from my dear friend Janene.
I will be the first to admit that I am not a natural crafter. Creativity does not come to me quickly. If I do manage to come up with something on my own, it takes me days of stewing over it and mulling it over in my mind. I don't come up with my own craft ideas, but I will say, I am pretty darn good at copying. I can see something and look it over for a while, and then I can probably figure it out (if you give me enough time, that is!)Creating things for my children, my home, and for my friends brings me a lot of joy! The problem is, I get stuck somewhere between having a great project to work on, and the motivation to actually get the sewing machine or hot glue gun out. Once I do start a project, I can't usually put it down until it is done! I love that "project well done" feeling!
Well, lucky for me there are a TON of crazy good craft blogs out that inspire me, almost daily, and make me want to get my craft on. These blogs include amazingly detailed tutorials to follow and lots of pictures to help.
So I thought I'd share all of my favorites with you, and maybe you'll be inspired too.

1. Made by Rae
2. Make it and Love it
3. Homemade by Jill
4. How Does She?
5. Little Birdie Secrets
7. So You Think You're Crafty?
8. Heather Bailey
9. Ucreate
10. V and Co.
11. The Idea Room
12. Nanny Goat
13. Create
Janene is the mother of three children. She loves to take pictures and read good books and she is a fabulous friend! You can view her work at jkphotography and reserve your next photo session with her.
2 comments on "Favorite Crafty Sites"
Amendment: I got out the hot glue gun today, and it felt great!!
Thanks so much for the link! I'm so glad to hear that you enjoy reading, it's an honor to be considered a "favorite"!
-Sarah from Create Studio
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